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Chariots Of The Mayans

team building for corporations

Photo gallery & experiences of our teambuilding

social community programs team building

To start this team building activity, participants enter “the field get organized by team , choosing a mayan god (captian ) who will call the shots, and will send the participantas to the challenges to colletc diferrent items to build you MAYAN CHARIOT .. After a brief overview, chariot-racing rules , will makea mayan cheer to present to the gods....a warm up with all the group will take place , before we get down to building

In MAYAN times, the more ornate a WARRIOR’s chariot, the more respected his abilities were. That also stands true in this team building activity. So, teams receive coins they can use to purchase items they need to adorn and improve their chariot, rider and “horses.” Horsepower is provided by the team members.

All chariots must be ready for The KUKULCAN’s judge by a set time. Before making their way to the race-course, each battalion presents their battle cheer

Then for the next step in the team building activity, battalions saddle up their horses, riders climb aboard their chariots and horses pull riders and their chariots around various a course

After all chariots have blazed through the course in this race , those with the best time are called forward to collect medals from The mayan gods.


Full Coordination , Set Up, Master of Ceremony, Professional Staff, Amplified Music and Microphone, Event Decorations, All Event Equipment, All Building Materials, Team Bandanas, Captain Packets, Custom Trophies (1st, 2nd , 3rd place participants), First Aid Kit,